Swap-bot Time: December 28, 2024 3:19 am

Fives ratings for ChristieTrout

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pinklilly rated for Easter Card Swap on Apr 28, 2020
Comment: Christie, received your card!!!!!!! thank you so much, it's a beautiful card and I love the extras you sent me!! You're wonderful. Sorry it took a while.
Ikran3 rated for Coronavirus, my life in 6 words on Apr 22, 2020
Comment: Hope the new hobby is going well!
brooklynboo rated for Coronavirus, my life in 6 words on Apr 20, 2020
Comment: sorry for being late I've been sick! Hope this is over quick! stay safe an happy swapping :)
itsnobody rated for Coronavirus, my life in 6 words on Apr 15, 2020
Comment: Nice! What hobbies are you going for?
Response: Watercolor and calligraphy. I have also tried a bit of leather work, but I've only made a bible cover for my grandmother.
Corina rated for Coronavirus, my life in 6 words on Apr 14, 2020
Comment: Hi! Sorry i didnt write a comment! Must’ve slipped past me! You’re essential to yourself and if your not make yourself essential! Have fun with that new hobby ;) !
Response: Thank you for the heart! Be well & stay safe! Adieu
Tverne05 rated for Coronavirus, my life in 6 words on Apr 13, 2020
Comment: I’ve been creating and Learning new techniques too.
Response: It is nice to have some free time. Thank you for the heart!
Comment: Hello and thank you for your comments. We are all essential 🌻
Response: You are very kind! Stay safe! ❤️
kristyrogers rated for Coronavirus, my life in 6 words on Apr 13, 2020
Comment: My new hobby is learning more about homesteading! So much work, but having fun!
Response: I have been gardening, lots of weed pulling, starting from seeds, watering, transplanting. It will pay off with flowers, fruit, & veggies! Stay safe!
LiliLuv rated for Coronavirus, my life in 6 words on Apr 13, 2020
Comment: Glad you have a new hobby to keep you busy at this time. Hope you continue to enjoy the hobby and stay well!
grammypammy rated for Coronavirus, my life in 6 words on Apr 12, 2020
Comment: Thanks for sharing!
Gobarb rated for Coronavirus, my life in 6 words on Apr 12, 2020
Comment: Thank you for posting for this swap. It was a fun swap.
jennywren rated for First and Last Lines No. 19 on Mar 26, 2020
Comment: Thank you for the postcard! I looked up the latin, and it made me pull out my Lewis, as I haven't read anything by him in a long time. I'm limiting my swaps at the moment, but a crafty swap in the future sounds good!
Response: That was one of my first swaps, I realize you could've given given me a three for the last sentence being in Latin. I apologize for that, it's what I was reading at the time. A future swap would be fun, I'm staying at home for social distancing. Be well! Adieu, Christie
Ilovemybabies7 rated for Bible Verse swap #5 on Mar 24, 2020
myancey rated for 1-INCH of PCs MAR 2020 on Mar 13, 2020
Comment: Christie your words made me cry. Micah has had a long journey and a story to tell. Thank you so much for ur pc and kind kind words. I love the rhino this is by far one of our fave cards we have rcvd. Thanks so so much! ❤️😍
Response: You made my heart smile! So happy the card was well received! All great things to all you guys! MMM Christie
CajunLady rated for Anything Goes PC Swap #3 on Mar 10, 2020
Comment: Thank you for the Spock quote.
Response: Yay! I'm excited you like it! Great profile, it made it easy to pick a qoute.
mossenmoons rated for Alphabet Aerobics on Mar 8, 2020

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 14 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
8 16 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
2 5 1 0

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