Swap-bot Time: December 28, 2024 3:10 am

Ones ratings for Dramagymnast4eva

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dardarbinx rated for QUICK HALLOWEEN ATC SWAP on Feb 23, 2012
skeffiboo rated for Free Theme ATC #31 on Feb 16, 2012
Veterok rated for Suprise Mix Swap # 1 on Dec 29, 2011
Comment: Never got anything.
MrSchiEvous rated for Digital ATC - Free theme on Dec 20, 2011
Comment: Digital ATC - Free theme~ still have not received this and it's been almost a month. It also seems you are partially suspended for not sending to others so I don't expect it to get here at all.
rhynah rated for QUICK Rubber stamp swap #50 on Dec 18, 2011
Comment: I haven't received anything for this swap. I sent her a message over a week ago but got no response.
CrayonMom rated for Fingerprint Inchie Swap on Dec 10, 2011
Comment: The send date was October 12. I messaged this user on November 13 to inform her that I have not received this swap yet. Her response on November 15, was that it would be resent. It has been nearly a month since then and the "resend" didn't arrive either.
heritagedecouleurs rated for ATC Advent Destash on Dec 7, 2011
Comment: I guess you never sent it...first you said you.ve got it back because you wrote the wrond adress...but the second time , again Ididn´t recieve anything
Lexidh rated for ATC Advent Destash on Dec 3, 2011
Comment: Oh thank you SO much for flaking on this swap. Grrrrreat of you! Ignoring messages is also such a treat. May your Christmas be a deserving one.
PAStryloVER rated for AMS: Something...Scavenger Hunt on Dec 3, 2011
Comment: Im sorry but, i never got the resend from you I sent back the items you sent me like you said. I sent them back on the 19th i have proof as it being sent back i will be uploading a picture to my flickr. When i receive the resend i will change the rating hope you understand
ktdragonfly rated for QUICK ATC swap #46 on Nov 30, 2011
Comment: Amanda, I haven't heard from you since the day this was supposed to me mailed, when you finally found internet access to retrieve my address. It has been 16 days since then, and nothing...sorry, and I am bummed that this was one of the first few swaps I joined.
SherriB rated for Quick: Challenge (revisited) on Nov 30, 2011
Comment: I hate to do this, but it's been a month and a half and I haven't received anything. You pmed me to say you were going to be sending me the ATCs a few days past the deadline, but they never arrived. You promised to resend Nov. 7th, and again Nov. 23rd, but I have received nothing. I will change this rating if I do receive.
Desiree1962 rated for QUICK ATC swap #40 on Nov 23, 2011
Comment: Two months late now . I mailed two times , still nothing. I am giving up.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.7955 187 31 41
Completed Fives Threes Ones
247 293 8 12
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
3 27 217 0

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