Swap-bot Time: December 28, 2024 5:07 pm

All ratings for Dramanya

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swapowl rated for Christmas PC with a Snowman on Dec 14, 2015
Comment: Thank you so much for your postcard and extra postcard from Island! :) I am really happy about it! Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! <3
Fever rated for PRIVATE Christmas parcel wonders on Dec 9, 2015
Comment: THANK YOU for that huge box which is sitting on my cupboard now! I can hardly contain myself but I will wait for Christmas to open it. I'll come back then and rate you properly. :) Thanks a bunch! EDIT: Merry Christmas! I can't believe you! Your parcel was just ... amazing! I adore the hat and gloves! And the glasses - wow! How did you make the big one? It's beautiful! And they both arrived totally intact! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Eve because you certainly made mine wonderful. I hope to stay in touch with you!
Daycie rated for Pinterest: Welcome to my country on Nov 29, 2015
Comment: Beautiful board! I would really like to visit Iceland one day. I really love the nature, and would like to try to eat kleina because they look like a Dutch 'oliebol'. :p Thanks for your board!
MsKuky rated for Pinterest: Welcome to my country on Nov 28, 2015
Comment: The Basalt Columns are so unique, just like the beautiful Northern lights, and the folklore outfits, just beautiful, thank you for sharing.
CrystalZ rated for Pinterest: Welcome to my country on Nov 26, 2015
Comment: Great pins! I enjoyed looking at each one and learning about your country and culture...sadly we didn't learn much about it when I went through school here in Canada.
RAGANA rated for Pinterest: Welcome to my country on Nov 26, 2015
Comment: Thank you :)
nellswell rated for Pinterest: Welcome to my country on Nov 25, 2015
Comment: Lovely board! I've spent just one night in Iceland (on a long layover between flights) but I hope to one day return!
mysteerinainen rated for 20 Questions-Email Swap on Nov 22, 2015
mellyrose89 rated for 20 Questions-Email Swap on Nov 21, 2015
Comment: Thank you for your e-mail! Some of your answers made me laugh. Your daughter sounds adorable!!

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 6 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
4 9 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
2 1 1 0

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