Swap-bot Time: December 28, 2024 4:12 am

Ones ratings for Euridice

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geekchickrys rated for Handmade Wash Cloth Swap #1 on Sep 11, 2010
Comment: has been too long. got the excuse things were going on, but 3 months? seriously? i will change once i get a package.
GrrrMeoww rated for Quick Turn Around PC Swap #8 on Aug 14, 2010
Comment: Didn't get a postcard, and no message that you couldn't send :( Hope you are ok, I see your ratings have alot of hearts, what happened?
SwedishMum rated for Private Euridice on Aug 2, 2010
Comment: 23th of AUG !!! I still have got nothing. It is marked sent in time (July 1st), but about a month late she told me a friend hadn't put it in the mailbox and that she would do it herself. Now she don't respond messages and she hasn't rate me. I am very glad I declined her for my official swap and made it private instead... This way it was me as a host getting in trouble and not another swapper....... IF something ever comes here I will change my rating

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.8526 62 4 5
Completed Fives Threes Ones
53 91 1 3
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
3 34 16 0

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