Swap-bot Time: December 28, 2024 1:48 pm

Ones ratings for MrsMacT

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Apelser rated for lists of 5 round #2-newbie friendly on Dec 15, 2014
Comment: Sad to say that I never got anything and I suppose that it was useless waiting for it as it was never sent.
kgeslab rated for Zentangel me an envie on Oct 9, 2013
Comment: I am so sad that I never received this.
EmilyT rated for Fairies Cross Stitch on Aug 20, 2013
Comment: You needed extra time, and I gave it. But then you said you'd send it around June 13, but you didn't. Then you marked sent on July 3rd anyway. I contacted you again on Aug 10 but at this time (Aug 20) the message is still unread. If I do receive the stitchery I will re-rate.
Comment: Please contact me, I never got anything?
glowgoyle rated for Wiccan Book Swap on Jul 27, 2013
Comment: I waited for a month after the due date and sent notes of reminders and asking for an ETA with no response.
PVMcHugh rated for My playlist in June 2013 on Jul 22, 2013
Comment: Hi, I didn't get a playlist from you. I sent you a message, but it looks like you haven't logged on since July 5th. If you send one, I'll rerate.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.5000 35 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
15 45 1 6
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
11 3 1 0

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