Swap-bot Time: December 29, 2024 11:00 am

Fives ratings for Ssjenns

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Comment: Thankyou so much for tyhe goodies arrived to day .i will use all you sent and can't wait! thanks again hugs judex
wildncrazy091972 rated for Homemade Bookmark Swap #3 on Jul 18, 2010
Comment: Thank you for the lovely bookmark and all the other items.
Comment: Thank you so very much for my stuffed envelope!! You did a great job I love it! My favorites are the princess stuff and the rubber stamp about the bathing suit.
Response: You are so welcome! I am happy you liked the items.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 3 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
4 3 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 2 2 0

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