Swap-bot Time: December 27, 2024 9:03 am

Threes ratings for mchesser12

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Lonestarchild rated for SF- No Rules PC #5- USA on Oct 29, 2020
Comment: Fun card. So very sorry about 3 rating -- the send by date was Oct 8 and this is postmarked Oct 14 without out prior communication. I understand travel time can be slower than usual right now, but I don't believe that has anything to do with when something is postmarked. I think this was simply mailed late. Very sorry.
Response: This was sent out on time. Lots of things are happening with the postal system at this time causing delays.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.9998 6940 33 34
Completed Fives Threes Ones
6010 8816 1 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
477 5014 519 0

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