Swap-bot Time: December 28, 2024 4:19 am

Ones ratings for shaiunleashed

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Gwillisinc rated for Newbie ATC on Aug 17, 2018
foxyfoxy rated for Harry Potter ATC # 5 of 7 on Aug 6, 2018
Comment: I will re-rate if I get something.
Comment: 8/2/18 - I have not yet received this swap. I see you haven't logged on since 6/26/18 and you are suspended, so I am guessing I won't receive this. If you ever do log back on and wish to make good on this swap, I will re-rate.
TrishaLSmith rated for Happy Birthday!! July Baby! on Jul 30, 2018
Comment: Was going to send message that I never received their end of the swap, as it appears, no one else has from this user either. Skipping the nice part about sending a message and going straight to the rating of a 1. User hasn't even logged in since June 26th.
stephanyhocc rated for Happy Birthday!! July Baby! on Jul 29, 2018
Comment: will re-rate when i receive the card
samjowers rated for Happy Birthday!! July Baby! on Jul 21, 2018
Comment: If you decide to make good on this swap, send a Christmas card instead of a birthday card....my birthday has passed. You shouldn't sign up for stuff you cant follow thru on and im sure you enjoyed the cards that you received from others...hope you rated them. im sure you didn't because you have not been back on here. So irresponsible!

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
1.0000 0 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
2 0 0 6
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 0 2 0

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