Swap-bot Time: December 28, 2024 5:18 pm

All ratings for virgoveggie

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Jodiela rated for Look mom! Mail for me! on Jul 14, 2011
heather1971 rated for Look mom! Mail for me! on Jul 6, 2011
Comment: Owen was thrilled with the PC that came in the mail today! He said to tell you he has NOT read the Lemony Snicket books but just may do that this summer!!! What a cool postcard! THANKS!
Response: Oh you're so welcome! Jude and I loved reading them together. Really smart ridiculousness. Perfect for their age!
SierraRN01 rated for Look mom! Mail for me! on Jul 5, 2011
indgomom rated for Look mom! Mail for me! on Jul 5, 2011
Comment: The kids LOVED their cards! TY so much for sending each of them one! :)
Response: Great! I'm, glad they liked them!
stephadactyl rated for Owl Postcard on Jun 26, 2011
Comment: Thank you so much for the adorable post card and bird pendant! I love both.
Response: Happy to hear it! Thanks for the heart!
Comment: I *adore* the penguin postcard! Love the quote too - thank you!
Response: You're welcome! Thank YOU for the heart!
Comment: Sent early and with enthusiasm. Great!
Comment: Hi Mary, Thanks for the inspiring quote & for the accordion PC from MIM. It's funny you mention "Black Books", because someone else recommended it to me also. I don't have BBC, but I think I could look it up online, like I did with "Portlandia". Take care & have a fun summer! ;)
Response: Thanks for the <3 ! Glad you enjoyed it :)
Comment: I loved the star confetti!!!
Response: So glad you enjoyed it! Happy day to you :)
saunjune rated for Random Postcard Swap #7 on Jun 19, 2011
Comment: I am giving you a heart for this fab postcard not just because this is my first swap received, or because you sent it out so darned quick, not even because it says "size matters" on the back, but because it has a giant red plastic toy T-rex on it!! Thank you!
Response: Thank you! I am so glad you liked it. Here's what the sculpture looks like in front of the museum; http://rakstagemom.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/dsc_0037.jpg The artist, Sui Jianguo, put a stamp that reads "Made in China" on it's belly.
Comment: Thanks! Love the chili's. Yes, I agree! I hope our state gets extinguished soon!!
Response: Thanks for the <3 ! Enjoy the cooler weather up north, I'm headed to the pool to cool off! :)
theirmimi rated for Flag PC Swap #2 on Jun 16, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the flag postcard and the quote! How nice that you were able to pick the pc up when you were touring. :)
Response: Thanks for the <3 ! Glad you like the flag :)

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 9 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
6 12 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 6 0 0

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