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Ones ratings for Danimonster

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saardina rated for **FAVORITE QUOTE on a PC** on Sep 3, 2013
Comment: I'm so sorry to do this, but I waited months to receive your package. I promise I will change this if I receive your half of our swap. Again, I am so sorry.
TwiggyFairy rated for Danimonster X TwiggyFairy on Oct 20, 2012
Comment: that just suck! that's so not fair, what you did. i was nice and agreed to have a private swap with you, after you had 3 5's and 4 1's i think... you said you are about to change the way you did things in here and ready to come back to the site after everything... i sent you ALL of my FB's, and i thought that they are coming to good hands, and will move on so they can fullfill it's purpose. this is not nice and you are just making this site less fun as it should be to other members. i think the minimum you can do is move the FB's along so they won't be stuck at your house...
TeaP rated for PRIVATE SWAP Danimonster and TeaP on Oct 6, 2012
Comment: Thanks for nothing.
Comment: I'm giving this rating because I never received the package. I waited more than 1 month to give the package enough time to reach me.
theirmimi rated for **FAVORITE QUOTE on a PC** on Oct 4, 2012
Comment: Will rerate if I get the swap.
HeatherWill rated for **FAVORITE QUOTE on a PC** on Sep 24, 2012
Comment: Never marked as shipped and you have logged on since the swap date ended. If you do decide to come back and make up your swap I will change this.
Comment: i'm sorry to rate you this, but never received and still on dashboard as unsent. pn'd you on the 14th, still unread, yet you logged in after that. will change rating if/when received
AndreaJ rated for Read my profile and post a comment. on Feb 27, 2011
Comment: No word from this partner.
Response: August 24, 2012, Sent a profile post to make up for the lack of sending. User has not been active.
renate rated for Intl Big Fat Stuffed Envelope #7 on Feb 11, 2011
Comment: never recieved annything. will re rate iff I recieved.// 15/9// you said you resend the envelope on 24th aug still no sign off envelope. Once it is here I will Re-Rate.
Response: August 24, 2012. Has sent envelope out today early this morning. Hope you like the goodies, and sorry again for them being so late.
isabelle rated for ATC series colors # 1 - Red on Feb 10, 2011
Response: August 24, 2012. Still heard nothing back from this person.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.1724 24 3 5
Completed Fives Threes Ones
22 46 0 12
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
11 5 6 0

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