Swap-bot Time: December 28, 2024 10:28 am

Ones ratings for DarbyFlats

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zerofantasies rated for Birthday swap! on Jan 14, 2011
Comment: Mmhmm.
krycek rated for P: DarbyFlats / krycek on Dec 24, 2010
Comment: This could have been so easily completed via a single stamp. Whatever....
MysticBayou rated for Invite only Xmas swap on Dec 22, 2010
Comment: Angeled by @zerofantasies. Thank you so much Hanna!
hollycm6 rated for Summer "mini" journal on Nov 20, 2010
Comment: I am not exactly sure how to rate this... it was due Aug 25th, you said you could send by mid September, then mid-October. And you did show me your idea, but I don't have the journal here. I really do understand life getting in the way of this stuff. I feel like letting you mark send when in fact the swap has not been sent was wrong, and I really don't remember why I said that was okay. It makes me wonder if you have other swaps marked sent, and that's why you feel so overwhelmed. I am rating a one since I don't have it here, and you have made a public announcement that you are not finishing up your swaps. If you decide to send this on I will change the rating, of course. Good luck!
Response: http://www.swap-bot.com/forums/topic/66379

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.9819 690 118 141
Completed Fives Threes Ones
366 878 0 4
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
1 255 110 0

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