Swap-bot Time: December 28, 2024 5:05 am

Ones ratings for amandafaith2

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Comment: I guess I wont be receiving this ..
Gwenerific rated for New to Zentangling? (USA) on Sep 6, 2016
aligurl75 rated for Book Of The Month - July on Aug 8, 2016
Comment: Amanda, I will change this if I get my book. I'm sorry to give a 1. I really hate to do this but I've contacted you several times with no answer. Sigh. :(
Fenix825 rated for 100,000! on Nov 27, 2011
Comment: I sent you a message on 11/25/2011 following up on the status of this swap. You show as last being online 11/27/2011, yet the message remains unread. The send date on this swap was 11/7/2011. You still have not marked it as sent. I unfortunately have no choice but to rate you a 1. Should anything ever arrive, I will change my rating. // 06/13/2016 update - Received a message that you were back on Swap-bot and wanting to try to make things right. Still haven't received anything. I will update my rating should I ever get anything.
Response: I TRULY apologize! I have sent you a PM. Please let me make this right :)

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.7241 41 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
31 54 0 4
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
7 9 15 0

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